About AML
The nonprofit Association for Mormon Letters (AML) promotes the production and study of Mormon literature and its enjoyment by all. Members receive

  • A subscription to our twice yearly literary magazine, Irreantum
  • Discount admission to AML events such as the Writers Conference
  • A copy of the book-length proceedings containing the papers presented at the annual meeting

In addition, AML encourages discussion and recognition of Mormon literature through various services and events.

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  • AML Review Archive . There are now over 1000 literature and film reviews archived on the AML website, and everyone is welcome to browse through the archive.
  • AML Awards . Have you published this year? Each year at its annual meeting the Association for Mormon Letters presents awards for the best Mormon literature (in all genres) published during the prior year. Find out how to have your work considered.
  • AML Discussion Board . In May 1995, AML started an email list for online discussion of Mormon literature and for electronic publication of reviews of LDS literature and film. Now the reviews are posted to the AML Discussion Board as well as to the AML email list , and then reviews are archived to the AML Review Archive Please join us for online discussion of topics relevant to LDS literature and film and share your comments and your reviews. If you would like to sign up for the AML email list, please send an email to [email protected].

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    Spotlight on Award Winners for Novels

    Coke Newell
    2007 Association for Mormon Letters Award for Novel
    for On the Road to Heaven

    Dean Hughes
    2007 Association for Mormon Letters Award for Novel: Honorable Mention
    for Before the Dawn

    Brandon Sanderson
    2007 Association for Mormon Letters Award for Novel: Honorable Mention
    for The Well of Ascension

    See the 2007 winners in all categories in our Awards page.

    Upcoming Events
    Fiction and Personal Essay Contests

    May 30, 2009

    The Association for Mormon Letters and Irreantum magazine are pleased to announce the eighth annual Irreantum fiction contest and the 2009 Charlotte and Eugene England Personal Essay Contest.

    Please go to the contest page for more information.

    On Thursday, March 26 the fifth annual Publishers Fair will be held in the Garden Court of the Wilkinson Center at BYU from noon until 6 p.m.

    This annual event provides students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends the opportunity to meet with editors from a range of markets, from both inside and outside the state.

    Editors will meet with prospective authors, illustrators, photographers, and editing students to examine their work and offer suggestions and sometimes even jobs or publication.

    Authors who wish to submit their work to a publisher should bring either a query letter and synopsis or the manuscript in proper format along with a submission letter and a self-addressed, stamped envelope. If you have nothing ready to submit at the moment, come anyway and meet some very interesting and helpful people.

    Publishers and editors interested in attending must register in advance to assure having tables, chairs and whiteboards in place. Please email your requests to [email protected]

    April 24-25, 2009

    The 6th annual LDStorymakers Writers Conference will be held on April 24-25, at the Provo Downtown Marriott.

    The 2nd annual Whitney Awards Gala will follow on Saturday evening, immediately after the conference.

    Details, tickets, and registration information are available on their websites:
    LDS Storymakers and Whitney Awards

    Recent Book Reviews

    Saying It Like It Is by Sheri L. Dew

    Silencing Mormon Polygamy: Failed Persecutions, Divided Saints & the Rise of Mormon Fundamentalism Volume 1 by Drew Briney, J.D.

    Bound On Earth by Angela Hallstrom

    The Atonement of Jesus Christ (second edition) by Kevan Kingsley Clawson

    Home Food Dehydrating by Jay Bills, Shirley Bills